Monthly Archives: September 2011

The top 5 IVA myths answered

The top IVA myths uncovered including does your partner have to pay? Can you get a mortgage in the future and is your house ever at risk?

Top 5 IVA questions

Top IVA questions answered. How much will you pay? How long will the IVA last? Will you lose your house? How is credit rating affected? Who will find out?

Your rights when dealing with Debt Collectors

You have rights if you are contacted by a debt collector. What should you do? Can a collector come to your home? How to complain against harassment.

What are your options if summer holidays left you in debt?

There are different options to pay off summer debts. Will budgeting help? Should you start a Debt Management solution? How to save for next year.

What to do if unemployment leaves you unable to pay debt

There are options for resolving debt if you are unemployed. Start a Debt Management Plan? What about Bankruptcy? Can you settle debt with redundancy money

What to do if you are struggling with debt after a rent rise

There are options if you are struggling to pay your rent. Can you reduce other expenses? Can Debt Management help? What if you already have arrears?

Is a Prepaid Debit Card a good idea?

Prepaid debit cards are popular with people who are struggling with debt. What are the disadvantages? Is there an alternative? Why use a prepaid card?

Will my employer be told if I go Bankrupt?

Your employer is not told if you go bankrupt. Could they find out? Will bankruptcy affect your job in any way? Why are employers details asked for?

What payments can I include in my IVA Living Expenses?

You can include your reasonable expenses in an IVA budget. What is reasonable? What if you need to spend more? What if the required IVA payments are too much?