A CCJ (County Court Judgment) is a Court Order stating that you owe a debt and that it must be repaid.
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What is a CCJ and how will it affect you?
If you are unable to or refuse to pay a debt, the person or organisation who is owed the money can apply for CCJ (County Court Judgment). The application is reviewed by a Judge at the County Court.
Where the Judgment is issued you will be required to pay what you owe either straight away or by monthly instalments. If you have little or no spare income the payments you have to make can be reduced to as low as £1 a month.
Getting a CCJ can have a significant affect on you. It will certainly have a negative impact your credit rating. A record of the Judgment will be recorded on your credit file for 6 years. It could also affect your home.
There could be serious implications for your property if you get a CCJ. An application can be made to secure the debt against your home unless you act quickly.
What should you do if you get a CCJ claim form?
If a creditor decides to apply for a CCJ against you, you will receive documentation in the post regarding the debt owed. You will be given the opportunity to pay it immediately if you can. This would cancel the application.
Where you can’t afford to pay you need to complete and return the Admission Form (N9A). This gives you the opportunity to state your financial circumstances and make a monthly payment offer based on an amount that you can afford.
It is extremely important to complete the N9A form correctly. If you don’t a Judgment could be issued requiring you to make payment instalments which you will struggle with.
It is possible to dispute a CCJ claim if you believe you do not owe the money or the amount is incorrect. You will need to complete and return form N9B.
What if you can’t pay the debt owed?
After a CCJ is issued, you have to pay the debt you owe. If you cannot pay the amount requested (either in full or based on monthly payments) you must not ignore it.
One of your options is to apply to have the Judgment amended to reduce the monthly payment amount. There is a formal variation process which you will need to follow if you want to do this.
If you have other debts or you simply cannot afford to make any payments you should consider using a debt management solution. It is possible to include a CCJ in an IVA or Bankruptcy.
Struggling to pay a CCJ? Call (0800 077 6180) or complete the form below and we will get back to you.
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