
The different Types of Bailiff

The difference between Bailiffs and Debt Collectors. The different types of Bailiff – Enforcement Agents, County Court Bailiffs, High Court Enforcement

Bailiffs & Debt Collectors

What are Bailiffs? When are they used? What could they take? The difference between bailiffs and debt collectors. Do you have to let a bailiff in?

Your rights when dealing with Debt Collectors

You have rights if you are contacted by a debt collector. What should you do? Can a collector come to your home? How to complain against harassment.

Creditor Harassment

How to identify what creditor harassment is. How to stop harassment. What to do if you dispute the debt.

How to stop creditor harassment

The things you can do to minimise or stop harassment from your creditors. How to make a formal complaint for creditor harassment.

What is creditor harassment?

Your creditors are allowed to carry out reasonable activities to try and collect a debt which you owe. What is considered to be creditor harassment?

If I stop paying debt for six years will it be written off?

Debt can become statute barred if you do not pay it for 6 years. Can creditors prevent debt becoming statute barred? Is it possible to hide from creditors?