I Live Abroad – Can I do a Debt Management Plan?
Can you start a Debt Management Plan if you live abroad. Get help to set up the Plan. The affect on your local credit rating.
When should I use a Debt Management Plan
Is a Debt Management Plan a suitable debt solution for you? How long will the Plan last? What happens to your property in a DMP?
Keep your Debt Management Plan or change to IVA?
If you are unhappy with your Debt Management Plan why might you change to an IVA? Should you stop your DMP and change to IVA?
Is it too late for a Debt Management Plan?
It is never to late to consider a Debt Management Plan. When is the Plan suitable? What if you already have a CCJ? How do you start a DMP?
Telling my Partner about a Debt Management Plan
Do you have to tell your Partner about a DMP? Do you have to tell creditors about a Partner’s income? What if you have joint debts? Could your partner find out?
The affect of a DMP if you live in a rented home
How will a Debt Management Plan affect your home if you are renting? How will your landlord react? Can you rent a different property? Is it the best solution?
Is Interest Frozen in a Debt Management Plan?
You cannot guarantee interest will be frozen in a Debt Management Plan. What can you do to get interest frozen? Should you use an alternative debt solution?
What happens to my House in a Debt Management Plan?
You do not have to release equity if you use a Debt Management Plan (DMP). Can mortgage arrears be included? Is your property at risk of Charging Orders?
5 Myths about DMPs uncovered
The facts about Debt Management Plans. How long will it take to repay your debt? Will it protect your credit rating or home equity? Will interest be frozen?