
I am starting an IVA do I have to tell my partner?

Can you hide an IVA from your partner? Will you have to declare their income? What if you jointly own a property? Is it best to tell them?

If I do an IVA will my partner have to help pay my debts?

Your partner is not responsible for your debts if you start an IVA. Do they have to disclose their income? Can you pay their debt? What about joint debts?

What happens if you split up while doing a joint DMP?

If you split up you will normally want to stop a joint Debt Management plan. Can you start a new individual plan? What happens to joint debts?

Do I have to pay my Partner’s debts if they go Bankrupt?

You do not pay your partner’s debts if they go Bankrupt. Do you have to declare your income? Who pays the household bills? What happens to joint property?

Will the people I live with be affected by my debt?

The people you live with should not be directly affected by your debts. Could they become responsible for your debt? Will their credit rating be affected?

Do I have to include my partner’s income in my IVA

You usually have to declare your partner’s income if you start an IVA. Does your partner have to pay your debt? What if your partner has their own debt?

Can my Partners Debts be included in a DMP?

If you are considering a DMP you need to understand which debts can be included. We investigate what happens to debts which are not in your name.