
How long will a Debt Management Plan last

How to calculate how long your Debt Management Plan will last. Could the Plan last longer? How to pay off your Plan more quickly.

DMP v IVA – Which is the best solution

IVA v DMP – Which is the best debt solution? Which debts can be included? How long do they last? How is your home affected? Which is more flexible?

Should I start a Debt Management Plan?

How a Debt Management Plan (DMP) works. Main differences to formal solutions. What situations are best suited with a DMP. How does a DMP effect my home.

Who will find out about my Debt Management Plan

Who is told you have started a Debt Management Plan? Does your Bank have to be know? Will your employer or landlord find out?

Can I stop a Charging Order with a DMP

Starting a DMP will normally mean creditors will not apply for a Charging Order. Can they still apply during the Plan? What if an Order is already in place?

Will Creditors Agree to a Debt Management Plan?

Your creditors do not have to agree to your Debt Management Plan (DMP). What can you do if one of your creditors says no? Will interest and charges be frozen?

What different Debt Solutions are available

A useful explanation of the different debt solutions in England, Wales and NI. Debt Consolidation, Debt Management, IVA. Is Bankruptcy rally all that bad?

Which Debt Solution is right for you?

Find out which debt solution is right for you. A review of the different options including Consolidation, Debt Management Plan, IVA, Bankruptcy and DRO.

Do you qualify for a Debt Management Plan

Find out if you qualify for a Debt Management Plan. How much do you owe and to whom? How long will your Plan last? The affect on your home and job.