
Go Bankrupt if Living with Parents

Do your parents have to pay your debt if you go bankrupt? Is their credit rating affected? What living expenses are you allowed?

Can I go Bankrupt if I have moved Abroad?

Can you go bankrupt in the UK if you now live either inside or outside the EU? How to go Bankrupt from abroad. How are you affected locally?

Is it possible to go Bankrupt while on benefits

Can you go bankrupt while on benefits? Will you have to make payments towards your debt? How much does it cost?

Will a guarantor loan be written off if I go bankrupt

What happens to a Guarantor Loan if you go Bankrupt? Can you continue paying the loan? What if you are a Guarantor for someone else?

Who will be told if I go bankrupt

Who will find out you are bankrupt? Where is it recorded? Does your name go in the newspaper? Will your employer or landlord find out?

How are my Possessions affected by Bankruptcy?

Which possessions can you keep if you go Bankrupt? Can you give assets away before Bankruptcy? Is the value of your things checked? Can you keep your pets?

If I have Gambling Debt can I go Bankrupt?

Is gambling debt included in Bankruptcy? Will the length of your Bankruptcy be extended? Do you have to prove you have stopped gambling?

If I am Self Employed can I go Bankrupt

Can you go bankrupt if you are self employed? Can you keep your tools? Do you have to change your bank account?

What is a Bankruptcy Restrictions Order – BRO

When is a Bankruptcy Restrictions Order issued? The difference between a BRO and BRU. How will a BRO affect you? What if you get a windfall during a BRO?